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Arcadia-Tegea, the Peloponnesus AE-15 369-350 BC aF/gF Arcadia-Tegea, the Peloponnesus AE-15 369-350 BC aF/gF 65.00€ Buy Now
Bithynia Kalchedon siglos 340-320 BC. EF+ Bithynia Kalchedon siglos 340-320 BC. EF+ 325.00€ Buy Now
Boetica, Thebes hemidrachm 379-371 BC gF Boetica, Thebes hemidrachm 379-371 BC gF 80.00€ Buy Now
Campania (Naples)  Obole aVF Campania (Naples) Obole aVF 300.00€ Buy Now
CAPPADOCIA, Kings of, Ariarathes V Eusebes Philopator,c.163-130 CAPPADOCIA, Kings of, Ariarathes V Eusebes Philopator,c.163-130 240.00€ Buy Now
Cilicie Tarse Satrape Pharnabazes obole gF/VF+ Cilicie Tarse Satrape Pharnabazes obole gF/VF+ 95.00€ Buy Now
Cilicie Tarse Satrape Pharnabazes obole gVF Cilicie Tarse Satrape Pharnabazes obole gVF 130.00€ Buy Now
Cilicie Tarse Satrape Pharnabazes obole gVF/EF Cilicie Tarse Satrape Pharnabazes obole gVF/EF 140.00€ Buy Now
CIMMERIAN BOSPOROS. Panticapaeum. Ca. 480-450 BC. AR triobol VF CIMMERIAN BOSPOROS. Panticapaeum. Ca. 480-450 BC. AR triobol VF 450.00€ Buy Now
Elymaide Kingdom drachmai Orodes II gVF Elymaide Kingdom drachmai Orodes II gVF 95.00€ Buy Now
Greek Attica, Athens Obole 440-430 B.C. EF/gVF Greek Attica, Athens Obole 440-430 B.C. EF/gVF 325.00€ Buy Now
Greek bronze aEF Greek bronze aEF 85.00€ Buy Now
Greek bronze Carie Mylassa unite aVF Greek bronze Carie Mylassa unite aVF 40.00€ Buy Now
Greek bronze EF Greek bronze EF 100.00€ Buy Now
Greek bronze F Greek bronze F 25.00€ Buy Now
Greek bronze F+ Greek bronze F+ 40.00€ Buy Now
Greek bronze F+ Greek bronze F+ 25.00€ Buy Now
Greek bronze Numidie Massinissa unite gFr Greek bronze Numidie Massinissa unite gFr 50.00€ Buy Now
Greek bronze Syria Alexandre II F+ Greek bronze Syria Alexandre II F+ 35.00€ Buy Now
Greek bronze Thrace Messembria unite gVF Greek bronze Thrace Messembria unite gVF 75.00€ Buy Now

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